Accuracy measures for a 2x2 confusion matrix or for vectors of predicted and observed values. | accuracyMeasures |
Add error bars to a barplot. | addErrorBars |
Add grid lines to an existing plot. | addGrid |
Add vertical ``guide lines'' to a dendrogram plot | addGuideLines |
Add trait information to multi-set module eigengene structure | addTraitToMEs |
Calculate network adjacency | adjacency adjacency.fromSimilarity |
Adjacency matrix based on polynomial regression | adjacency.polyReg |
Calculate network adjacency based on natural cubic spline regression | adjacency.splineReg |
Prediction of Weighted Mutual Information Adjacency Matrix by Correlation | AFcorMI |
Align expression data with given vector | alignExpr |
Divide tasks among workers | allocateJobs |
Allow and disable multi-threading for certain WGCNA calculations | allowWGCNAThreads disableWGCNAThreads enableWGCNAThreads WGCNAnThreads |
One-step automatic network gene screening | automaticNetworkScreening |
One-step automatic network gene screening with external gene significance | automaticNetworkScreeningGS |
Various basic operations on 'BlockwiseData' objects. | BD.actualFileNames BD.blockLengths BD.checkAndDeleteFiles BD.getData BD.getMetaData BD.nBlocks |
Biweight Midcorrelation | bicor |
Calculation of biweight midcorrelations and associated p-values | bicorAndPvalue |
Weights used in biweight midcovariance | bicovWeightFactors bicovWeights bicovWeightsFromFactors |
Turn categorical columns into sets of binary indicators | binarizeCategoricalColumns binarizeCategoricalColumns.forPlots binarizeCategoricalColumns.forRegression binarizeCategoricalColumns.pairwise |
Turn a categorical variable into a set of binary indicators | binarizeCategoricalVariable |
Attempt to calculate an appropriate block size to maximize efficiency of block-wise calcualtions. | blockSize |
Find consensus modules across several datasets. | blockwiseConsensusModules |
Calculation of block-wise topological overlaps | blockwiseIndividualTOMs |
Automatic network construction and module detection | blockwiseModules |
Blood Cell Types with Corresponding Gene Markers | BloodLists |
Blue-white-red color sequence | blueWhiteRed |
Brain-Related Categories with Corresponding Gene Markers | BrainLists |
Gene Markers for Regions of the Human Brain | BrainRegionMarkers |
Branch dissimilarity based on eigennodes (eigengenes). | branchEigengeneDissim branchEigengeneSimilarity hierarchicalBranchEigengeneDissim mtd.branchEigengeneDissim |
Branch split. | branchSplit |
Branch split based on dissimilarity. | branchSplit.dissim |
Branch split (dissimilarity) statistics derived from labels determined from a stability study | branchSplitFromStabilityLabels branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.individualFraction branchSplitFromStabilityLabels.prediction |
Check adjacency matrix | checkAdjMat checkSimilarity |
Check structure and retrieve sizes of a group of datasets. | checkSets |
Chooses a single hub gene in each module | chooseOneHubInEachModule |
Chooses the top hub gene in each module | chooseTopHubInEachModule |
Clustering coefficient calculation | clusterCoef |
Co-clustering measure of cluster preservation between two clusterings | coClustering |
Permutation test for co-clustering | coClustering.permutationTest |
Select one representative row per group | collapseRows |
Selects one representative row per group based on kME | collapseRowsUsingKME |
Iterative garbage collection. | collectGarbage |
Fast colunm- and row-wise quantile of a matrix. | colQuantileC rowQuantileC |
Calculation of conformity-based network concepts. | conformityBasedNetworkConcepts |
Conformity and module based decomposition of a network adjacency matrix. | conformityDecomposition |
Calculation of a (single) consenus with optional data calibration. | consensusCalculation |
Consensus clustering based on topological overlap and hierarchical clustering | consensusDissTOMandTree |
Calculate consensus kME (eigengene-based connectivities) across multiple data sets. | consensusKME |
Consensus dissimilarity of module eigengenes. | consensusMEDissimilarity |
Put close eigenvectors next to each other in several sets. | consensusOrderMEs |
Consensus projective K-means (pre-)clustering of expression data | consensusProjectiveKMeans |
Consensus selection of group representatives | consensusRepresentatives |
Consensus network (topological overlap). | consensusTOM |
Get all elementary inputs in a consensus tree | consensusTreeInputs |
Convert character columns that represent numbers to numeric | convertNumericColumnsToNumeric |
Fast calculations of Pearson correlation. | cor cor1 corFast |
Calculation of correlations and associated p-values | corAndPvalue |
Qunatification of success of gene screening | corPredictionSuccess |
Fisher's asymptotic p-value for correlation | corPvalueFisher |
Student asymptotic p-value for correlation | corPvalueStudent |
Preservation of eigengene correlations | correlationPreservation |
Deviance- and martingale residuals from a Cox regression model | coxRegressionResiduals |
Constant-height tree cut | cutreeStatic |
Constant height tree cut using color labels | cutreeStaticColor |
Show colors used to label modules | displayColors |
Threshold for module merging | dynamicMergeCut |
Empirical Bayes-moderated adjustment for unwanted covariates | empiricalBayesLM |
Export network to Cytoscape | exportNetworkToCytoscape |
Export network data in format readable by VisANT | exportNetworkToVisANT |
Turn non-numeric columns into factors | factorizeNonNumericColumns |
Put single-set data into a form useful for multiset calculations. | fixDataStructure |
Break long character strings into multiple lines | formatLabels |
Calculation of fundamental network concepts from an adjacency matrix. | fundamentalNetworkConcepts |
Calculation of GO enrichment (experimental) | GOenrichmentAnalysis |
Filter genes with too many missing entries | goodGenes |
Filter genes with too many missing entries across multiple sets | goodGenesMS |
Filter samples with too many missing entries | goodSamples |
Iterative filtering of samples and genes with too many missing entries | goodSamplesGenes |
Iterative filtering of samples and genes with too many missing entries across multiple data sets | goodSamplesGenesMS |
Filter samples with too many missing entries across multiple data sets | goodSamplesMS |
Green-black-red color sequence | greenBlackRed |
Green-white-red color sequence | greenWhiteRed |
Generalized Topological Overlap Measure | GTOMdist |
Hierarchical consensus calculation | hierarchicalConsensusCalculation |
Calculation of measures of fuzzy module membership (KME) in hierarchical consensus modules | hierarchicalConsensusKME |
Hierarchical consensus calculation of module eigengene dissimilarity | hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity |
Hierarchical consensus network construction and module identification | hierarchicalConsensusModules |
Calculation of hierarchical consensus topological overlap matrix | hierarchicalConsensusTOM |
Merge close (similar) hierarchical consensus modules | hierarchicalMergeCloseModules |
Hubgene significance | hubGeneSignificance |
Immune Pathways with Corresponding Gene Markers | ImmunePathwayLists |
Impute missing data separately in each module | imputeByModule |
Calculate individual correlation network matrices | individualTOMs |
Inline display of progress | initProgInd updateProgInd |
Calculation of intramodular connectivity | intramodularConnectivity intramodularConnectivity.fromExpr |
Determine whether the supplied object is a valid multiData structure | isMultiData |
Keep probes that are shared among given data sets | keepCommonProbes |
Function to plot kME values between two comparable data sets. | kMEcomparisonScatterplot |
Barplot with text or color labels. | labeledBarplot |
Produce a labeled heatmap plot | labeledHeatmap |
Labeled heatmap divided into several separate plots. | labeledHeatmap.multiPage |
Label scatterplot points | labelPoints |
Convert numerical labels to colors. | labels2colors |
Convert a list to a multiData structure and vice-versa. | list2multiData multiData2list |
Reconstruct a symmetric matrix from a distance (lower-triangular) representation | lowerTri2matrix |
Relabel module labels to best match the given reference labels | matchLabels |
Construct a network from a matrix | matrixToNetwork |
Merge close modules in gene expression data | mergeCloseModules |
Meta-analysis of binary and continuous variables | metaAnalysis |
Meta-analysis Z statistic | metaZfunction |
Fast joint calculation of row- or column-wise minima and indices of minimum elements | minWhichMin |
Modified Bisquare Weights | modifiedBisquareWeights |
Get the prefix used to label module eigengenes. | moduleColor.getMEprefix |
Calculate module eigengenes. | moduleEigengenes |
Merge modules and reassign genes using kME. | moduleMergeUsingKME |
Fixed-height cut of a dendrogram. | moduleNumber |
Calculation of module preservation statistics | modulePreservation |
Apply a function to each set in a multiData structure. | mtd.apply mtd.applyToSubset |
Apply a function to elements of given multiData structures. | mtd.mapply |
Turn a multiData structure into a single matrix or data frame. | mtd.rbindSelf |
Set attributes on each component of a multiData structure | mtd.setAttr |
Get and set column names in a multiData structure. | mtd.colnames mtd.setColnames |
If possible, simplify a multiData structure to a 3-dimensional array. | mtd.simplify |
Subset rows and columns in a multiData structure | mtd.subset |
Create a multiData structure. | multiData |
Eigengene significance across multiple sets | multiData.eigengeneSignificance |
Analogs of grep(l) and (g)sub for multiple patterns and relacements | multiGrep multiGrepl multiGSub multiSub |
Calculate module eigengenes. | multiSetMEs |
Union and intersection of multiple sets | multiIntersect multiUnion |
Calculate weighted adjacency matrices based on mutual information | mutualInfoAdjacency |
Nearest centroid predictor | nearestCentroidPredictor |
Connectivity to a constant number of nearest neighbors | nearestNeighborConnectivity |
Connectivity to a constant number of nearest neighbors across multiple data sets | nearestNeighborConnectivityMS |
Calculations of network concepts | networkConcepts |
Identification of genes related to a trait | networkScreening |
Network gene screening with an external gene significance measure | networkScreeningGS |
Create a list holding information about dividing data into blocks | BlockInformation newBlockInformation |
Create, merge and expand BlockwiseData objects | addBlockToBlockwiseData BlockwiseData mergeBlockwiseData newBlockwiseData |
Create a list holding consensus calculation options. | ConsensusOptions newConsensusOptions |
Create a new consensus tree | ConsensusTree newConsensusTree |
Creates a list of correlation options. | CorrelationOptions newCorrelationOptions |
Create a list of network construction arguments (options). | NetworkOptions newNetworkOptions |
Transform numerical labels into normal order. | normalizeLabels |
Number of present data entries. | nPresent |
Number of sets in a multi-set variable | nSets |
Color representation for a numeric variable | numbers2colors |
Optimize dendrogram using branch swaps and reflections. | orderBranchesUsingHubGenes |
Put close eigenvectors next to each other | orderMEs |
Order module eigengenes by their hierarchical consensus similarity | orderMEsByHierarchicalConsensus |
Calculate overlap of modules | overlapTable |
Determines significant overlap between modules in two networks based on kME tables. | overlapTableUsingKME |
Analysis of scale free topology for hard-thresholding. | pickHardThreshold pickHardThreshold.fromSimilarity |
Analysis of scale free topology for soft-thresholding | pickSoftThreshold pickSoftThreshold.fromSimilarity |
Annotated clustering dendrogram of microarray samples | plotClusterTreeSamples |
Plot color rows in a given order, for example under a dendrogram | plotColorUnderTree plotOrderedColors |
Red and Green Color Image of Correlation Matrix | plotCor |
Dendrogram plot with color annotation of objects | plotDendroAndColors |
Eigengene network plot | plotEigengeneNetworks |
Red and Green Color Image of Data Matrix | plotMat |
Pairwise scatterplots of eigengenes | plotMEpairs |
Barplot of module significance | plotModuleSignificance |
Plot multiple histograms in a single plot | plotMultiHist |
Network heatmap plot | plotNetworkHeatmap |
Estimate the population-specific mean values in an admixed population. | populationMeansInAdmixture |
Parallel quantile, median, mean | pmean pmean.fromList pmedian pminWhich.fromList pquantile pquantile.fromList |
Prepend a comma to a non-empty string | prepComma |
Pad numbers with leading zeros to specified total width | prependZeros |
Network preservation calculations | preservationNetworkConnectivity |
Projective K-means (pre-)clustering of expression data | projectiveKMeans |
Estimate the proportion of pure populations in an admixed population based on marker expression values. | proportionsInAdmixture |
Proportion of variance explained by eigengenes. | propVarExplained |
Iterative pruning and merging of (hierarchical) consensus modules | pruneAndMergeConsensusModules |
Prune (hierarchical) consensus modules by removing genes with low eigengene-based intramodular connectivity | pruneConsensusModules |
Pathways with Corresponding Gene Markers - Compiled by Mike Palazzolo and Jim Wang from CHDI | PWLists |
Estimate the q-values for a given set of p-values | qvalue |
qvalue convenience wrapper | qvalue.restricted |
Rand index of two partitions | randIndex |
Estimate the p-value for ranking consistently high (or low) on multiple lists | rankPvalue |
Repeat blockwise module detection from pre-calculated data | recutBlockwiseTrees |
Repeat blockwise consensus module detection from pre-calculated data | recutConsensusTrees |
Red-white-green color sequence | redWhiteGreen |
Compare prediction success | relativeCorPredictionSuccess |
Removes the grey eigengene from a given collection of eigengenes. | removeGreyME |
Remove leading principal components from data | removePrincipalComponents |
Replace missing values with a constant. | replaceMissing |
Return pre-defined gene lists in several biomedical categories. | returnGeneSetsAsList |
Red and Green Color Specification | rgcolors.func |
Blockwise module identification in sampled data | sampledBlockwiseModules |
Hierarchical consensus module identification in sampled data | sampledHierarchicalConsensusModules |
Calculation of fitting statistics for evaluating scale free topology fit. | scaleFreeFitIndex |
Visual check of scale-free topology | scaleFreePlot |
Stem Cell-Related Genes with Corresponding Gene Markers | SCsLists |
Select columns with the lowest consensus number of missing data | selectFewestConsensusMissing |
Summary correlation preservation measure | setCorrelationPreservation |
Shorten given character strings by truncating at a suitable separator. | shortenStrings |
Sigmoid-type adacency function. | sigmoidAdjacencyFunction |
Signed eigengene-based connectivity | signedKME |
Round numeric columns to given significant digits. | signifNumeric |
Hard-thresholding adjacency function | signumAdjacencyFunction |
Simple calculation of a single consenus | simpleConsensusCalculation |
Simple hierarchical consensus calculation | simpleHierarchicalConsensusCalculation |
Simulation of expression data | simulateDatExpr |
Simplified simulation of expression data | simulateDatExpr5Modules |
Simulate eigengene network from a causal model | simulateEigengeneNetwork |
Simulate a gene co-expression module | simulateModule |
Simulate multi-set expression data | simulateMultiExpr |
Simulate small modules | simulateSmallLayer |
Opens a graphics window with specified dimensions | sizeGrWindow |
Cluter merging with size restrictions | sizeRestrictedClusterMerge |
Calculates connectivity of a weighted network. | softConnectivity softConnectivity.fromSimilarity |
Space-less paste | spaste |
Colors this library uses for labeling modules. | standardColors |
Standard screening for binatry traits | standardScreeningBinaryTrait |
Standard Screening with regard to a Censored Time Variable | standardScreeningCensoredTime |
Standard screening for numeric traits | standardScreeningNumericTrait |
Standard error of the mean of a given vector. | stdErr |
Bar plots of data across two splitting parameters | stratifiedBarplot |
Topological overlap for a subset of a whole set of genes | subsetTOM |
Select, swap, or reflect branches in a dendrogram. | reflectBranch selectBranch swapTwoBranches |
Graphical representation of the Topological Overlap Matrix | TOMplot |
Topological overlap matrix similarity and dissimilarity | TOMdist TOMsimilarity |
Topological overlap matrix | TOMsimilarityFromExpr |
Transpose a big matrix or data frame | transposeBigData |
Estimate the true trait underlying a list of surrogate markers. | TrueTrait |
Calculation of unsigned adjacency | unsignedAdjacency |
Measure enrichment between inputted and user-defined lists | userListEnrichment |
Turn a matrix into a vector of non-redundant components | vectorizeMatrix |
Topological overlap for a subset of the whole set of genes | vectorTOM |
Barplot with error bars, annotated by Kruskal-Wallis or ANOVA p-value | verboseBarplot |
Boxplot annotated by a Kruskal-Wallis p-value | verboseBoxplot |
Scatterplot with density | verboseIplot |
Scatterplot annotated by regression line and p-value | verboseScatterplot |
Voting linear predictor | votingLinearPredictor |